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Policy syncing with Git

This document describes the policy syncing feature of OPAL (policy-code and static data).


Before starting this tutorial make sure you cover basic repository configuration :

  1. Git Repository location and basic access (e.g. SSH and branches)
  2. Git Repository syncing (e.g. Polling and Webhooks)

How policy syncing works

1) OPAL Server tracks a Git branch

OPAL server is configured to track a Git repo, and in that repo - a specific branch. By tracking the branch, we mean that OPAL server will always keep the most up-to-date "picture" of this branch.

More technically, OPAL Server will:

  • Clone the repo, checked out to the tracked branch.
  • Detect changes in the tracked branch upstream.
  • Upon detecting new commits in the branch upstream, pull these changes into its local checkout.

Currently OPAL server supports two ways to detect changes in the tracked repo:

  • Polling in fixed intervals - checks every X seconds if there are new commits in the upstream branch by running git fetch internally.
  • Github Webhooks - A webhook means that the service storing the repo (e.g: GitHub) will issue an HTTP REST request to OPAL server upon each push event.

At the moment, only GitHub-hosted repos support webhooks. We plan to expand to more services (e.g: bitbucket) and/or a generic webhook interface in the near future.

2) OPAL Client subscribes to policy update notifications

OPAL client can subscribe to multiple policy topics, each policy topic is formatted as policy:{path} where path is a directory in the policy git repository (relative path to the root of the repository).

The policy directories the client will subscribe to are specified by the environment variable OPAL_POLICY_SUBSCRIPTION_DIRS passed to the client. The default is "." meaning the root directory in the branch (i.e: essentially all .rego and data.json files in the branch).

Let's look at at a more complex example. Let's say we have a multi-tenant application in the cloud with an on-prem component in each customer site. We want to apply the same base policy to all tenants, but also to allow special rules (different policy) per tenant.

Assume our policy repository looks like this:

├── default
│   ├── data.json
│   └── rbac.rego
└── tenants
├── tenant1
│   ├── data.json
│   └── location.rego
├── tenant2
│   ├── billing.rego
│   └── data.json
└── tenant3
│   ├── ...

We can see the tenant 1 has a special policy for user location (e.g: special rules for users interacting with the application from outside the US), while tenant 2 has special rules around billing (i.e: allow some access only to paying users, etc).

We'll deploy a different OPAL client as part of our on-prem/edge container in each customer vpc, for simplicity let's call them edge1, edge2 and edge3:

  • edge1 will set OPAL_POLICY_SUBSCRIPTION_DIRS=default:tenants/tenant1 meaning its policy bundles will include both policy files found under the default directory as well policy files under tenants/tenant1, but not policy files under tenant2, etc.
  • Similarly:
    • edge2 will set OPAL_POLICY_SUBSCRIPTION_DIRS=default:tenants/tenant2.
    • edge3 will set OPAL_POLICY_SUBSCRIPTION_DIRS=default:tenants/tenant3.

2.1) Loading Data.json files

In general data.json files are mostly meant for backward as a backward compatibility to vanilla OPA bundles (in OPA the data.json in bundles is the primary way to load data. For users migrating from plain OPA to OPAL being able to reuse their bundles can be useful). We recommend you use dynamic updates with data-sources-config for a more efficient and up-to-date approach. However, if you choose to utilize data.json files, here are a few important points to consider:

  • The OPAL server looks for any file matching .*data.json and not just data.json
  • The data from the files will be nested in the policy-store under the path of it's folder (i.e. /foldername/data.json in the repo will be loaded under /v1/data/foldername)
  • When loaded into a path the data will override all in that path (it won't merge) - use different folders to avoid overrides

3) OPAL Server notifies his OPAL clients about policy updates

Upon learning about new commits in the tracked branch, and assuming these new commits include changes that affect rego or data files, OPAL server will push an update message via pub/sub to its OPAL clients.

  • The update message will include the most recent (i.e: top-most) commit hash in the tracked branch.
  • Each OPAL client will only be notified about changes in the directories he is subscribed to.

i.e: example policy update message assuming a commit changed the billing.rego file:

"topic": "policy:tenant2",
"data": "5cdf36a7510f6ecc9e89cceb0ae0672c67ddb34c"

Notice that the update message does not include any actual policy files, the OPAL client is responsible to fetch a new policy bundle upon being notified about relevant updates.

4) OPAL Client fetches policy bundles from OPAL Server

OPAL clients fetch policy bundles by calling the /policy endpoint on the OPAL server.

The client may present a base hash - meaning the client already has the policy files up until the base hash commit. If the server is presented with the base hash, the server will return a delta bundle, meaning only changes (new, modified, renamed and deleted files) will be included in the bundle.

The client will fetch a new policy bundle upon the following events:

  • When first starting up, the client will fetch a complete policy bundle.
  • After the initial bundle, the client will ask delta policy bundles (only changes):
    • After a disconnect from the OPAL server (e.g: if the server crashed, etc)
    • After receiving a policy update message

Policy bundle manifest - serving dependent policy modules

The policy bundle contains a manifest list that contains the paths of all the modules (.rego or data.json) that are included in the bundle. The manifest list is important! It controls the order in which the OPAL client will load the policy modules into OPA.

OPA rego modules can have dependencies if they use the import statement.

You can control the manifest contents and ensure the correct loading of dependent OPA modules. All you have to do is to put a .manifest file in the root directory of your policy git repository (like shown in this example repo).

The .manifest file is optional

If there is no manifest file, OPAL will load the policy modules it finds in alphabetical order.

The format of the .manifest file you should adhere to:

  • File encoding should be standard (i.e: UTF-8)
  • Lines should be separated with newlines (\n character)
  • Each line should contain a path, relative to the .manifest file, which could be one of the following:
    • A policy / data file (i.e: a .rego file or data.json file).
    • A folder, containing another .manifest file to be loaded recursively.
  • File paths should appear in the order you want to load them into OPA.
  • If your root .manifest file is at another path, you can set another value to the env var OPAL_POLICY_REPO_MANIFEST_PATH (either a file path, or a folder path containing a .manifest file).

For example, if you look in the example repo, you would see that the rbac.rego module imports the utils.rego module (the line import data.utils imports the utils package). Therefore in the manifest, utils.rego appears first because it needs to be loaded into OPA before the rbac.rego policy is loaded (otherwise OPA will throw an exception due to the import statement failing).


If you need to omit certain global path from the policy bundle, you can use the optional OPAL_BUNDLE_IGNORE environment variable to do so. It takes an array of comma separated paths. Note that double asterisks ** do not recursively match.

See an example here. This is only for OPAL version 0.5.0 and later.

Policy bundle API Endpoint

The policy bundle endpoint exposes the following params:

  • path - path to a directory inside the repo, the server will include only policy files under this directory. You can pass the path parameter multiple times (i.e: to include files under several directories).
  • base_hash - include only policy files that were changed (added, updated, deleted or renamed) after the commit with the base hash. If this parameter is included, the server will return a delta bundle, otherwise the server will return a complete bundle.

Let's look at some real API call examples. The opal server in these example track our example repo.

Example fetching a complete bundle:

curl --request GET ''

Response (a complete bundle is returned):

"manifest": ["data.json", "rbac.rego"],
"hash": "ac16d91b84f578954ccd1c322b1f8f99d44248c0",
"old_hash": null,
"data_modules": [
"path": ".",
"data": "<CONTENTS OF data.json>"
"policy_modules": [
"path": "rbac.rego",
"package_name": "app.rbac",
"rego": "<CONTENTS OF rbac.rego>"
"deleted_files": null

Example fetching a delta bundle:

curl --request GET ''

This time the response is a delta bundle, the envoy.rego file was deleted and rbac.rego and data.json were added:

"manifest": ["data.json", "rbac.rego"],
"hash": "ac16d91b84f578954ccd1c322b1f8f99d44248c0",
"old_hash": "503e6f9821eb036ce6a4207a45ddbe147f1a0a7b",
"data_modules": [
"path": ".",
"data": "<CONTENTS OF data.json>"
"policy_modules": [
"path": "rbac.rego",
"package_name": "app.rbac",
"rego": "<CONTENTS OF rbac.rego>"
"deleted_files": {
"data_modules": [],
"policy_modules": ["envoy.rego"]

Setting up the OPAL Server - options for policy change detection

You may use polling by defining the following environment variable to a value different than 0:

Env Var NameFunction
OPAL_POLICY_REPO_POLLING_INTERVALthe interval in seconds to use for polling the policy repo

Option 2: Using a webhook

If your server is hosted at, the URL you must setup with your webhook provider (e.g: github) is See GitHub's guide on configuring webhooks.

Typically you would need to share a secret with your webhook provider (authenticating incoming webhooks). You can use the OPAL CLI to create a cryptographically strong secret to use.

Let's install the cli to a new python virtualenv: ``` pyenv virtualenv opal pyenv activate opal pip install opal-server ```

Now let's use the cli to generate a secret:

opal-server generate-secret

You must then configure the appropriate env var:

Env Var NameFunction
OPAL_POLICY_REPO_WEBHOOK_SECRETthe webhook secret generated by the cli (or any other secret you pick)

Working with different Git services

Different Git Services configure their webhooks slightly differently. OPAL needs to parse a few things from an incoming webhook to:

  • A Secret to verify the legitimacy of the incoming event
  • This can be a token (secret to compare) or a signature (secret applied to the request body)
  • The type of the event (e.g. is this a Git push)
  • The repository-url this event refers to, or the repository's full name if the url is not available (e.g. self hosted bitbucket repo)

We can configure OPAL to expect webhooks from different services using the OPAL_POLICY_REPO_WEBHOOK_PARAMS config variable. The variable is a model with the following members:

  • secret_header_name : The HTTP header holding the secret - the value found here is compared against OPAL_POLICY_REPO_WEBHOOK_SECRET
  • secret_type : "token" or "signature"
  • secret_parsing_regex: The regex used to parse out the actual signature from the header. Use '(.*)' for the entire value
  • one of:
    • event_header_name: The HTTP header holding the event information (used instead of event_request_key)
    • event_request_key: The JSON object key holding the event information (used instead of event_header_name)
  • push_event_value : The event value indicating a Git push
Example configuration values for common services:
  • Github (Default):

    "secret_header_name": "x-hub-signature-256",
    "secret_type": "signature",
    "secret_parsing_regex": "sha256=(.*)",
    "event_header_name": "X-GitHub-Event",
    "event_request_key": None,
    "push_event_value": "push",
  • Gitlab:

    "secret_header_name": "X-Gitlab-Token",
    "secret_type": "token",
    "secret_parsing_regex": "(.*)",
    "event_header_name": "X-Gitlab-Event",
    "push_event_value": "Push Hook",
  • Azure-Git:

    "secret_header_name": "x-api-key",
    "secret_type": "token",
    "secret_parsing_regex": "(.*)",
    "event_header_name": None,
    "event_request_key": "eventType",
    "push_event_value": "git.push",
  • Bitbucket:

    "secret_header_name": "x-hook-uuid",
    "secret_type": "token",
    "secret_parsing_regex": "(.*)",
    "event_header_name": "x-event-key",
    "event_request_key": None,
    "push_event_value": "repo:push",

Many more variations can be created using this configuration model. That said, if your flavor isn't supported consider one of:

  1. Using your CI/CD to send a custom webhook - instead of the built in webhook of your Git service
  2. Opening a Github issue in OPAL's repo to ask for additional features here (include a webhook post example [headers and body])

Example setting up a webhook (on Github)

Generate a secret:

❯ opal-client generate-secret

Pass the secret as config when running OPAL Server:

docker run -it \
# more params ...
# more params ...
-p 7002:7002 \

On your GitHub project page, go to Settings -> Webhooks:


And then fill the following values:

  • The webhook URL exposed by your OPAL server, example:
  • The webhook secret you generated
  • Select only the push event
  • And click on Add webhook.

Code References: